Welcome to the QBleed® risk calculator: http://qbleed.org

This calculator is not valid if you have taken anticoagulants in the last six months

About you
Age (21-99):
Sex: Male Female
UK postcode: leave blank if unknown
Clinical information
Smoking status:
Alcohol status:
Do you have...
atrial fibrillation?
heart failure?
high blood pressure needing medication?
a current or previous diagnosis of cancer?
chronic liver disease or chronic pancreatitis?
oesophageal varices?
a platelet count less than 150 or greater than 480? (both units x109/litre)
Have you had
previous bleed (gastrointestinal, intracranial, haematuria, haemoptysis)?
venous thromboembolism?
Are you currently taking
antiplatelet drugs (e.g. aspirin, clopidogrel or dipyramidole)?
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain killers (NSAIDs)?
regular steroid tablets?
anticonvulsants (phenytoin or carbamezepine)?
Leave blank if unknown
Body mass index
Height (cm):
Weight (kg):
Calculate risk over years.

Welcome to the QBleed® risk calculator

Welcome to the QBleed® Web Calculator. You can use this calculator to work out your risk of having a haemorrhage, and how this is affected by starting anticoagulants, by answering some simple questions.

The QBleed® algorithms have been developed by Julia Hippisley-Cox and Carol Coupland and are based on routinely collected data from many thousands of GPs across the country who have freely contributed data to the QResearch database for medical research, linked to hospital and mortality data.

QBleed® has been developed for the UK population, and is intended for use in the UK. This website is primarily intended for doctors and nurses working in general practice and for academics who are interested in the underlying research. Patients are welcome to read this information and use the calculator together with their doctor so that any symptoms or concerns can be addressed within a health care setting. All medical decisions need to be taken by a patient in consultation with their doctor. The authors and the sponsors accept no responsibility for clinical use or misuse of this score.

The science underpinning the new QBleed® equations has been published in the BMJ. See the publications page for details.